Your partnership with bioPURE becomes your insurance against many of the germs, viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens in the environment.
One way to look at what we do is just like how you care for your vehicle.
bioPURE Clean is equivalent to washing your car and bioPURE Shield is that coat of wax that makes all the difference in the long-term shine.While you can do one, and not the other, that extra step, the bioPURE Shield is that extra step toward true peace of mind. Like a great car wax that will last. bioPURE Shield will actually bond to the electrons of whatever substrate as it is applied.
Whether it is a desk, a table, granite counter-top, or any soft surface, there is a chemical bond that occurs when bioPUREShield is electrostatically applied. Any materials to which it is applied will remain protected for up to thirty days.The bioPURESolution provides our customers with expert consultation services to develop, determine and then employ protocols tailored to your specific needs.
True Clean and peace of mind is no mystery, it is science. The science of bioPURE!